It’s time to get ready to celebrate Refugee Week! Refugee Week is a nationwide programme of arts, cultural and educational events that celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK, and encourages a better understanding between communities. Anyone can get involved by organising or attending one of the events. This year it runs from the 19-25 June. Would you like to organise something as part of Enfield Refugee Welcome? This can be as simple as hosting a meal or a picnic and inviting civic leaders. Last year we presented a Refugee Welcome award to a local GP for her work with refugees on the Greek island of Lesbos; this was covered by the Enfield Independent. Perhaps there is someone you know who has made a difference to the lives of refugees who you would like to award? There are a lot of resources and information available on: There are also lots of great events. Some that might be of interest are: Let us know if you are going to one of these and would like to meet up with other Enfield Refugee Welcome supporters. If you decide to organize an event, no matter how big or small, let us know so that we can advertise it on the website, or post a notice on our Facebook page: Comments are closed.